Benefits of Hula Hooping

Benefits of Hula hoops Central Coast
Benefits of Hula hoops Central Coast

Benefits of Hula Hooping

You may also ask what is so special about hula hooping and what is hoop dancing? 

When people think of hula hooping they think of waist hooping which, is one of the foundational tricks of hoop dance however hoop dance is much more than just waist hooping. Hoop dance involves a range of tricks combined with the flow of dancing. It is a creative art form that expresses joy, fun, movement, flow and develops strength, stamina, balance, spatial awareness, body awareness and mindfulness. It embodies the connection of the mind, body and spirit and is considered a meditative art form. 

It has health benefits for the spine, enhances deep breathing, increases core strength, improves posture, encourages circulation, hand eye coordination improves, increases flexibility and has mental health benefits. 

Sacral rocking is the key movement when waist hooping and is significant as it can loosen the fascial (connective) tissue surrounding the sacrum enhancing movement of the pelvis and assisting the flow of energy around the body via the sacral plexus. The sacrum is also the location of the second chakra, the sacral chakra, which is the center of gravity of our bodies and governs emotions, creativity and expression. 

Hula hooping also massages the areas the hoop passes over which helps keep the muscles and connective fascial tissue toned, stimulates blood flow and lymphatic circulation, realigns the organs under the abdomen, aids digestion and digestive issues and nurtures sexual health (just for the adults!). Hooping also assists with rhythm, aligning ourselves with our own heartbeat and rhythm and allows us to become more conscious in our movements. 

Both hooping and flow arts in general are wonderfully self-healing exercises and all flow art forms can increase self esteem and confidence, increase muscle mass, boost self awareness and spatial awareness, gain hand eye coordination and bi-lateral motor skills, improve dexterity and reflexes, develop timing, patience, persistence and understanding of your body and physics. 

Of all the forms of exercise flow arts and specifically Hula hooping and poi spinning are the most
fun and healthy I have ever engaged in and has proven to me that I can achieve the goals I set. Whilst I recognize this is subjective and everyone should find their activity they enjoy, not everyone knows about the joys of hoop dance and I want to spread the word in case this is something you just haven’t found yet. 

Over the last 14 years of poi spinning and 10 years of hoop dancing I have shared this art form in a variety of ways and would love to share it with you. I make Hula hoops to order through my business Hoop Pursuits and Poi Joys and you can choose your own colour and size with some of my favourite examples in the hoop spectrum above.  I will also be running Hoop Classes Thursday evenings with Roundabout Circus (currently via zoom). Beginners at 6:30pm and Intermediate at 7:30pm and keep as eye out on Roundabout TV for some upcoming tutorials. I hope you can join me.


Hula Hoop styling
80s Hula Hooping at Hoopy Happenings
Hula Hoop in Sunshine and Nature